Michelle's Blog

Friday, October 06, 2006

Hhmm, well the month of September has been pretty eventful to say the least. Let me recap what has been going on:

1) On the 4th we celebrated my grandmother's 93rd!!!! birthday (she is my last remaining grandparent)

2) On the 9th we celebrated my stepson's 12th birthday-HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB!!!

3) On the 21st my dear sweet grandmother passed away. It was very sad-she started to decline on Tuesday, I went down to the nursing home on Wednesday to visit her, because I was getting ready to leave on vacation. She passed Thursday afternoon.

4) My sister has been having tests, mammograms, sonograms, biopsys, etc...all month long trying to determine if the lump she had found was cancerous or not. Last Friday she had a lumpectomy & the doctor sent the lump & a adjecent lymphnode to pathology for biopsy.

Yesterday, she got the bad news that she has stage II breast cancer. It is VERY, VERY horrible & scary. Besides the fact that she is only 33-statsics definately do not apply in her situation. But both of our grandmother's had breast cancer & mastecomys, but yesterday the day she got the results was the anniversary of our father's death 4 years ago.

I mean what are the chances of that?!!??? She even asked me if I thought it was a sign that she was getting the biospy results on the day of dad's death & of course I said no, she was being superstisious (even though it had crossed my mind too). I was trying to downplay it & keep her positive.

So that was my September - not the best one by a LONG SHOT. But now it is a new month & my sister (& my mom-she is a basketcase) need me, so I have to get it together & be strong & supportive.

Will post more when I have info to share.

I wasn't really sure that I was going to benefit or really use this blog feature - but you know it may turn out to be something I really use & enjoy. We'll see.